Tanduay Asian Rum Gold 750ML

The silky smooth Gold rum from our own heritage sugarcane, reveals how Tanduay became the global leader in dark rum. With its pure anddistinctive taste, Tanduay Asian Rum Gold is for those seeking greater complexity and sophistication. This rum is aged up to 7 years in ex-bourbon barrels, with a taste profile of mature honey with hints of toasted oak, almond and vanilla. Appreciate neat or combined with your preferred mixer.

Alcohol Content 80 Proof, 40% alc. / vol.
Color Bright Golden Amber
Nose Refined and elegant. Presence of mature honey, almond, caramel, toasted oak, orange peels and vanilla
Taste Good balance of alcohol level & sweetness. Expressive flavors of vanilla, tropical fruit, coconut and nutmeg.
Body Mellow, smooth and dry
Finish Persistent in harmony. Caramel flavor persist on the finish, with vanilla and wooden notes.
Ageing Blend of rums aged up to 7 years in ex-bourbon barrel