Tanduay Asian Rum Silver 750ML

This silky smooth Silver rum, from our own heritage Asian sugarcane, is only moderately filtered giving it a light straw appearance. With its pure and distinctive taste, Tanduay Asian Rum Silver is for those seeking greater complexity and sophistication. This rum is aged up to 5 years in ex-bourbon barrels, with a taste profile of green ripe fruits with hints of burnt sugar, mandarin and vanilla. Perfect for sipping straight yet well-balanced for mixing.

Alcohol Content 80 Proof, 40% alc. / vol.
Color Clear, transparent, pale straw yellow
Nose Good intensity of mandarin and grapefruit peel with toasted notes, coconut and vanilla background
Taste A harmony of cream soda with flavors of citrus fruits
Body Satiny, crisp, fruity light to medium body
Finish Dry yet sweet with warm persistence
Ageing Blend of rums aged up to 5 years in ex-bourbon barrel